Wholesale Information

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An Invitation to Work with Us

Add value to your brick-and-mortar or online store by adding all-natural Holy Lamb Organics specialty wool-filled products to your array of goods. Our handmade signature products of certified-organic cotton, Premium Eco Wool, and GOTS-certified organic wool are developed and manufactured in a small rural community near Olympia, Washington. Established in 2000, Holy Lamb Organics has partners across the nation, in Canada, and online. When you partner with us, we make it our business to support your business with the finest in handmade wool bedding and superior customer service.


Services at a glance

  • Excellent customer service and phone support
  • Order confirmations
  • Fast shipping
  • Drop shipping
  • Private labeling


Taking a stand

How we make our products is just as important as what we make. Everyone at Holy Lamb Organics is dedicated to fostering a culture of sustainability. From our supply chain to our manufacturing processes to our facilities management, nothing happens without considering the environmental impact. We strive to be a zero-waste facility and emphasize sustainability in everything we do.Our earth-friendly sourcing and processes reflect our devotion to the planet and its inhabitants. We invite you to stand with us as a retail partner.


Becoming a partner

Complete our Wholesale Intake Questionnaire to learn how we can work together.